Wednesday, February 9, 2011

~*Human Egg Cell*~

~*Sperm Cell*~

~*White Blood Cell*~

~*Red Blood Cell*~

Note: Red blood cell DO NOT have nucleus!

~*Plant Cell*~

 ~*Animal Cell*~

Monday, January 31, 2011

Differences of Plant Cell and Animal Cell

             Animal Cell                                        Plant Cell

Absence of cellulose cell wall              Presence of cellulose cell wall
Absence of chloroplast                         Presence of chloroplast
Numerous small vacuoles                    A large central vacuole
Cytoplasm fills the cell                        Cytoplasm reduced to a thin lining
Absence of starch grains                      Presence of starch grains           
Presence of a pair of centrioles            Absence of a pair centrioles



Thursday, January 27, 2011

Basic info on orgnanelles

• Both animal and plant cells contain organelles
- an organelle is a structure in the cytoplasm in the cell
- all organelles have a membrane [except free ribosome] surrounding it

Some diagrams...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Info on plant cell organelles

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum [ER] - removes toxic from body
Rough ER - produces protein
Ribosome - produce protein
Mitochondrion - converts glucose into molecules of energy [ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate]
Nucleus - controls most of the activities
Nuclear membrane - a membrane surrounding the nucleus
Chromosomes - found in the nucleus. Contain DNAs [a chemical that determines what traits an organism will have]
Vacuole - stores food, water, minerals and wastes
Cytoplasm - geltatinelle substance that contains many chemical that the cell needs for chemical reactions
Cell/plasma membrane - controls what enters and leaves the cell
Centrioles - used for cell division
Cell wall - provides supportand protection
Chloroplast - captures energy from sun light and uses it to convert carbon dioxide into food
Plasmodesmata - serves as a specialised cell to cell communication junction
Cell sap - liquid that contains dissolved substances[eg. sugar & salt] and keeps cells firm by taking in water

How a typical plant cell looks like ~

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Info on animal cell organelles

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum [ER] - removes toxic from body
Rough ER - produces protein
Ribosome - produce protein
Mitochondrion - converts glucose into molecules of energy [ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate]
Nucleus - controls most of the activities
Nuclear membrane - a membrane surrounding the nucleus
Chromosomes - found in the nucleus. Contain DNAs [a chemical that determines what traits an organism will have]
Vacuole - stores food, water, minerals and wastes
Cytoplasm - geltatinelle substance that contains many chemical that the cell needs for chemical reactions
Cell/plasma membrane - controls what enters and leaves the cell
Centrioles - used for cell division

Friday, January 14, 2011

How a typical animal cell looks like ~

An animal cell

About Cells :D

The Cell
• It is the smallest unit of a living thing
• Unicellular - eg. bacteria, paramecium
• Multicellular - eg. frog, human
• Unicellular organisms perform all functions in a cell
• Multicellular organisms require cell specialisation

Cell Theory
• All living things are composed of cells
• Cells are the most basic unit for function and structure of all organisms
• Cells come from other cells with cells passing copies of their genetic material [DNA] onto their daughter cells